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Family Law


We like to think family ties are the most private and enduring relationships we know. As we often find out, however, these relationships are rarely free from conflict. When family issues cannot be solved within the home, our domestic laws seek to restore order and provide a fair resolution for everyone involved.


Most people think “family law” is divorce court. In reality, divorce is just a small part of family law, which covers a broad array of domestic law issues. We can help you with most all of your family law needs, including: 


   - divorce, both contested and uncontested 

   - child custody and parenting responsibility

   - alimony, both during the divorce and after

   - paternity and legitimation for children born out of wedlock

   - child support issues

   - complex property issues, including family owned businesses

   - adoption

   - prenuptual agreements

   - changing or modifying custody orders or agreements

   - parental relocation and moving

   - marital dissolution agreements


When legal action is necessary to fix family problems, it is essential that you trust your most private matters to a compassionate and experienced family law attorney. At the Williams Law & Mediation Group, we stand with you and fight for you through your most difficult times.


Divorce proceedings usually involve strong emotions and significant costs. Our firm can work with you throughout the divorce process to minimize the emotional strain and expenses normally associated with these proceedings. We handle complex contested and uncontested divorces.


During your divorce, we will examine your assets and indebtedness and help you attain the largest possible distribution of marital assets.  When appropriate, we will work closely with you to guarantee proper financial support through alimony, both during and after your divorce. If children are involved, we will work with you to help you secure custody of your children or to work out a reasonable residential sharing schedule so that you maintain a genuine and significant relationship with them. We also will help you determine what your child support payments will be.


If you and your spouse choose to keep your divorce proceedings private and away from public court hearings, our firm will help you navigate the waters of mediation and alternative dispute resolution. During this process, we will meet with your spouse and his or her attorney and a neutral mediator to help work through all of your issues and craft an agreement.


Child Custody and Parenting Plans

The dissolution of any marriage or partnership raises many, many issues. When children are involved, the issues are even more complex and custody and child support issues come to the forefront. To ensure that a fair arrangement, based upon the children’s best interests, is reached, you should contact a knowledgeable and experienced family lawyer.


Our firm routinely handles child custody cases and can help you determine the best parental sharing arrangement for you and your children. We will look at your own goals and desires, identify your children’s preferences if applicable, and walk you through all of the other factors we consider in setting a residential sharing schedule and parenting plan.  



Paternity and legitimation lawsuits may be necessary to determine parental rights, custody or support matters when the identity of the biological father is in question. Our firm can help you secure genetic testing and, after we receive the results, we will work to establish a legal relationship between the parent and child and to determine the extent to which the father has an obligation to support the child. Even if the biological father does not wish to play an active role in the child’s upbringing, he still has the obligation to provide financial support to the child.


These suits may be brought by the mother, the presumed father, the man alleged to be the father, or, as is often the case, the State of Tennessee. Our office is available to offer you legal guidance, assist you in filing a paternity suit with the appropriate court, or defend you against a paternity action.

Adopting a child can be an immensely rewarding experience, but it is often accompanied by a host of legal and bureaucratic complexities.  Those who approach the process with the aid of a knowledgeable adoption attorney often find that they are don’t have a lot of the delay, frustration and expense adopting parents normally must carry.


Whether you are a couple looking to welcome a new child into your home or a relative or step-parent hoping to assume responsibility for a minor in your family, we will work to ensure no detail is overlooked.  We will take the time to explain all of the adoption issues to you, assist in the preparation of required documentation, represent you at the adoption hearing, and advocate on your behalf should any challenges arise in the future.


Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is an unfortunate and unjustified aspect of many relationships and can include assault, sexual abuse or neglect.  If you or someone you love has been physically or emotionally abused by their spouse or another relative, you should contact the police and an experienced lawyer who can let you know your rights. 


If you are abused in your marriage and if you wish to pursue a separation or divorce in light of the events, our firm can advise you on the best steps to keep you safe and dissolve the marriage as fast as possible, while keeping your best interests in mind. Our entire staff understands the sensitive nature of domestic violence and will strive to provide you with peace of mind throughout the proceedings.


Family law raises emotional and legal challenges for everyone involved. In times of need, it is essential you surround yourself with trusted advisors and friends. Our law firm provides you with the legal and emotional support needed to get you back on your feet.

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